Od kilku dni mamy do czynienia z przecenami surowcow takich jak ropa, zloto czy srebro. Sytuacja jest o tyle zagadkowa, ze np. srebro tanieje, choc jest bardzo trudne do kupienia. Polki dilerow metali szlachetnych swieca pustkami a klienci chca kupowac.
Prawo podazy i popytu mowi, ze jezeli podaz spada to cena powinna wzrosnac. Najwyrazniej ci, ktorzy kreca pierdolnikiem podjeli decyzje, ze ceny maja spasc.
Kilka cytatow:
bulliondirect.com :
High Activity Market Alert. The precious metals industry is experiencing a substantial surge in activity which may increase the possibility of logistical delays; including customer service response time, product processing (incoming and outgoing), and product transport/fulfillment. Certain silver products are delayed as much as 2-4 weeks. Please review Catalog descriptions for notices regarding such delays. We are working diligently to fulfill all orders in a timely fashion while maintaining competitive prices. We appreciate your patience and understanding. The Bullion Direct Team
http://apmexdealer.blogspot.com/2008/08/silver-gold-shortage-announcement.html :
Most, if not all, dealers are experiencing temporary shortages right now. This blog post will address the conditions leading up to this shortage situation, help to ease your concerns and provide you with great alternative products for you to take advantage of the current low price market
http://freethemarketman.wordpress.com/2008/03/21/silver-shortage-gets-worse-price-drops-again/ :
Three more major silver dealers are reported to be out of silver today: The U.S. Mint, Kitco, and Monex. This, on top of the major dealers yesterday, Amark, Perth Mint, CNI Numismatics, and APMEX, all reported sold out. Further, nearly all of Canada is reported to be out of silver, from Vancouver to Toronto. This is unprecedented, and is a perfect case of market manipulation in the paper market at COMEX and other futures exchanges to see silver prices continue to drop down to below $17/oz. today. Paper promises can be created endlessly, but real silver cannot.
Istnieje opcja zakupu elektronicznego srebra, w ktorej nabywca zyczy sobie dostawy fizycznego metalu. W pewnym momencie znajdzie sie bogaty koles spoza grona kolesi krecacym tym przekretem, ktory wyciagnie miliard dolarow z kieszeni, dostanie pod jego zastaw jeszcze z 10 miliardow dolarow (margin) i za calosc kupi srebra. Potem zazyczy sobie jego dostawy. Zaczna sie straszne rzeczy dziac, gdy okaze sie, ze tego metalu po prostu nie ma.
Podobny zabieg zastosowali bracia Hunt w 1979 r. Skonczylo sie dla nich to nie za wesolo, spekulacja pekla poniewaz ich zasoby finansowe skonczyly sie predzej niz zasoby srebra. Tym razem powinno sie udac.