Dalszy ciąg sagi o Chinach i problemie z nadmiarem pieniędzy. Tak jak wcześniej mówiłem – Chiny chcą powolutku wykupować surowce, złoża oraz firmy na całym świecie. Financial Times donosi:
“Beijing will use its foreign exchange reserves, the largest in the world, to support and accelerate overseas expansion and acquisitions by Chinese companies, Wen Jiabao, the country’s premier, said in comments published on Tuesday. ‘We should hasten the implementation of our “going out” strategy and combine the utilization of foreign exchange reserves with the “going out” of our enterprises,’ he told Chinese diplomats late on Monday. Mr. Wen said Beijing also wanted Chinese companies to increase its share of global exports. The ‘going out’ strategy is a slogan for encouraging investment and acquisitions abroad, particularly by big state-owned industrial groups such as PetroChina, Chinalco, China Telecom and Bank of China.”
Tymczasem w Kalifornii dogadano się w temacie zrównoważania budżetu. Nie ruszono spraw zasadniczych, czyli strukturalnych problemów stanu. Kryzys powróci w przyszłości w większym nasileniu.